Something – Something – Something
Dedicated to sourcing junior talent
FACT Academy is our division dedicated to sourcing junior talent. We have built relationships with several universities and sports academies.
We will source a diverse and strong selection of entry level/graduates with up to 2 years’ experience – The Class of FACT Academy.
Clients want candidates with a strong work ethic, who are driven, motivated and highly ambitious. We fully appreciate the necessity of working with a talent solutions company that can identify top entry-level candidates. Trainee positions can often be the most time consuming and demanding roles to fill, due to a high number of applications. Basically, you’re looking for the needle in a haystack.
FACT Academy was born to address a need in the market. We noticed a recurring pattern with clients. Companies struggle to find exceptional junior talent. The shipping industry is missing out on a lot of up-and-coming talent; graduates who are opting instead to work in tech or other fashionable sectors.
This is largely due to the fact that our maritime industries are not utilising online platforms to their full potential, losing out in the job-search game (which is why everyone should be doing our FACT Talent LinkedIn course)